Profile of Psychological Trauma

There is no magic solution to the problem of dealing with the legacies of violence in a society. Healing is a long-term and culturally bound process.
The CWWPP estimates that, even more than 20 years after the end of the war, nearly everyone in its area of work has psychological consequences of the events of the war. Among the most traumatized were former soldiers who have seen and done things that no human being should ever see or do. Many have come back from the front emotionally and physically decimated to lives that are in ruins. Psychotrauma is one of the key concepts in the psychopathology and it is not related only to the etiology of PTSD which is by definition a consequence of traumatic stressful life events. The key question is why some individuals develop and some do not develop PTSD following exposure to potentially traumatic events.
The CWWPP estimates that, even more than 20 years after the end of the war, nearly everyone in its area of work has psychological consequences of the events of the war. Among the most traumatized were former soldiers who have seen and done things that no human being should ever see or do. Many have come back from the front emotionally and physically decimated to lives that are in ruins. Psychotrauma is one of the key concepts in the psychopathology and it is not related only to the etiology of PTSD which is by definition a consequence of traumatic stressful life events. The key question is why some individuals develop and some do not develop PTSD following exposure to potentially traumatic events.