Association with Other Organizations
The CWWPP has been or is currently associated with the following organizations.
Conflict Resolution Center International of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.This organization, and its founder Paul Wahrhaftig, have supported us profoundly during the course of our existence and were crucial for us. Paul published our first articles and encouraged us to continue during difficult periods. He was critical when he felt he needed to be. He was a member of our Board until recently, when personal circumstances led to his retirement.
InterChange of Toronto, Ontario, CanadaThis organization, founded in 2005 by a number of individuals and groups in various regions, presently has a networking function, bringing together people doing work similar to ours. Charles David Tauber, Head of Mission of the CWWPP, has been a member of the Board of InterChange since its inception and presently also is Vice-President for International Affairs.
The Global Psychosocial Network (GPN) of Psychologists for Social Responsibility,which is associated with the American Psychological Association, is a group that, in principle, wishes to supervise people in conflict areas and other difficult situations where supervision otherwise cannot be obtained. It also serves as a network for professionals working in the field to exchange information and experience. Charles David Tauber, M.D. is a member.
The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). The CWWPP is an affiliate.
We also are members of several working groups of the Radicalization Awareness Network (RAN), a European Union forum on radicalization.
Further, we are members of the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM), another European Union group.
We also are members of several working groups of the Radicalization Awareness Network (RAN), a European Union forum on radicalization.
Further, we are members of the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM), another European Union group.
Ludruga of Croatia (this site is only in Croatian)The name of this organization translates as “the crazy organization”. It consists of people with psychological and psychiatric challenges as well as practitioners, who sometimes are the same people. This organization, which is affiliated with others throughout the Western Balkans, is working on destigmatization and the breaking down of taboos as well as holding self-help groups for people who have direct challenges and those in their surroundings. They are intimately involved with inclusion. We find that we share very similar goals and methods and work very gladly with them.
We also are associated with the Jewish Community of Osijek, Croatia and the Jewish Community of Doboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Further, we are associated with the Religious Society of Friends, in particular with the Northeast Netherlands Monthly Meeting and with the Peace Consultation of the European and Middle East Section of the Friends World Committee for Consultation
Further, we are associated with the Religious Society of Friends, in particular with the Northeast Netherlands Monthly Meeting and with the Peace Consultation of the European and Middle East Section of the Friends World Committee for Consultation
Past Alliances
When they were present in the region, we gave a number of seminars and otherwise worked with the United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranya, and Western Sirmium (UNTAES) as well as with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), this latter in both eastern Croatia and northern Bosnia. Further, we cooperated with and attended meetings of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and, in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Office of the High Representative (OHR). In the Brčko region, we cooperated with the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Locally, we cooperated for a number of years with a veterans’ organization, Tratinčica, facilitating veterans’ groups.
Further, when they were working in what is now eastern Croatia, we facilitated an educational/supervision group of Group 484, which is based in Belgrade.
For about a year and a half, we conducted educational and supervision groups for people working with inclusion with the Association You Are the Same as I Am, formerly the Home for Psychologically Challenged People in Osijek and counseled their clients.
At various moments, we have facilitated discussions with other groups on a short-term basis.
Locally, we cooperated for a number of years with a veterans’ organization, Tratinčica, facilitating veterans’ groups.
Further, when they were working in what is now eastern Croatia, we facilitated an educational/supervision group of Group 484, which is based in Belgrade.
For about a year and a half, we conducted educational and supervision groups for people working with inclusion with the Association You Are the Same as I Am, formerly the Home for Psychologically Challenged People in Osijek and counseled their clients.
At various moments, we have facilitated discussions with other groups on a short-term basis.