In the last unit, we introduced this series of courses and the CWWPP and how we think that you should work through these courses.
Now, in this unit, we’ll get down to the interaction between the caregiver and the client.
In the first section, we’ll talk about the relationship in general. We’ll then look at some first principles. After that, we’ll look at some points about language and getting to know the client. We’ll then look at some important aspects of the interaction such patience and persistence. After that, we’ll look at identification with the client and the client’s identification with the caregiver. We’ll then discuss gaining – and losing – the client’s trust. A very important discussion that we will have is that about ethics. In the course of all of that, we’ll discuss belief and religion and hope and some practical aspects such as time planning.
In the final unit of this course, we’ll discuss you, that is how you can, and in our eyes must, care for yourself and prevent yourself from burning out. That’s extremely important for all of us.