Lessons Learned 2010

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Bibliography on Trans-Generational Transmission of Trauma
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Intergenerational memories of the Holocaust. In Y. Danieli (ed.) International Handbook of Multigenerational Legacies of Trauma (pp. 21-42). New York: Plenum Press. Bar-On, D., Eland, J., Kleber, R.J., Krell, R., Moore, Y., Sagi, A., Soriano, E.,Suedenfeld, P., Van der Velden, P.G. & Van Ijzendoorn, M.H (1998) Multigenerati onal perspectives on coping with the Holocaust experience: An attachment perspective for understanding the developmental sequelae of trauma across generations. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 22(2), 315-338. C. S. Tang (Eds.), Cross-Cultural Assessment of Psychological Trauma & PTSD (pp. 65-88). NY: Springer. Danieli, Y. (Ed.) (1998). International handbook of multigenerational legacies of trauma. New York: Plenum. Danieli, Y. (2007). Assessing trauma across cultures from a multigenerational perspective. In J. P. Wilson & Dekel, R., & Goldblatt, H. (2008). Is there intergenerational transmission of trauma? The case of Vietnam veterans. 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