About Us
Who are we?
Mission and Vision
The Region
Profile of Psychological Trauma
Get Involved
Monthly Reports
Annual and Semi-Annual Reports
Our Work
Social Inclusion
Community-based Training
Groups with which We Work
Peer Counseling and Self-Help Groups
Onsite Education
Online Education
"Blended" Education in Croatia and Other Regions
How You Can Request a Course or Counseling
Internships, The Summer Program, and Other Possibilities for Students
Work with people
The Migrant Project
PET (Pragmatic Empowerment Training)
Pragmatic Empowerment Training (PET)
Course 1-The Caregiver-Client Relationship
1 Introduction
1 Introduction to the PET
Introduction to the CWWPP - Comments
4 Facilitation
5 Additional Remarks on the Course
2 The Caregiver-Client Relationship
1 Introduction and the Caregiver Client Relationship as the Basis of Everything
2 Some First Principles
Taking an Interest In and Concentrating on the Client
Taking An Attitude of Humanity and Compassion
Listening and Responding to the Total Person
3 Some Points About Language and Getting to Know the Client
Activities - Using Language That the Person Can Understand
Activities - Taking the Time and Getting As Much Information as Possible
Activities - Feelings
Activities - Motives
Activities - Interests
Activities - Content and Its Interpretation
Activities - Assumptions
Activities - Prejudices
Activities - Expectations
Activities - Generalizations
Activities -Final Remarks
4 Creating the Right Atmosphere
Activities - The Physical Environment
Activities - Formality
The Theme of the Session
Activities - The Presence of Other People in the Session
Activities - The Pressure on the Caregiver and the Client
Activities - Final Activities
5 Persistence Patience Insistence Discipline
Activities - Persistence
Activities - Patience
Activities - Insistence
Activities - Discipline
Activities - Final Comments
6 Identification and Maintaining Self-Identity
Activities - Identification of the Caregiver with the Client and of the Client with the Caregiver
Activities - Maintaining Your Own Identity
Activities - Final Comments
7 Tolerance and Individualization
Activities - Tolerance and Taking a Non-Judgmental Approach
Activities - Individualization
Activities - Final Comments
8 Responsibility, Control, and Giving Permission
Activities - Getting the Client to Take Control of His or Her Own Life
Activities - Giving the Client Control
Activities - Giving the Client Permission
Activities - Final comments
9 Giving Time and Space; Listening vs. Preaching
Activities - Giving Time and Space
Activities - Listening vs. Preaching
Activities - Final Remarks
10 Gaining and Maintaining Trust
Activities - Honesty
Activities- Openness
Activities - Directness
Activities - Keeping Promises
Activities - Humanity
Activities - Final Activities
Activities - Final Remarks
11 Ethics
Activities - Do No Harm
Activities - Privacy
Activities - The Relationship Between the Caregiver and the Client Outside of the Caregiving Situation
Activities - Professionalism
Activities - Payment and Gifts
Activities - Conventions and Codes
Activities - Final Activities
Activities - Final Remarks
12 Preparation, Flexibility, and Adaptation
Activities - Preparation
Activities - Flexibility and Adaptation
Activities - Final Remarks
13 Religion, Belief, and Hope
Activities - The Role of Belief and Religion
Activities - Hope
Activities - Final Remarks
14 Time and Closeness Revisited
Activities - Time
Activities - Closeness
Activities - Final Remarks
15 Final Remarks and Activities for this Section
Activities - Final Activities
3 Self-Care
1 Introduction to this Section
Activities - Introduction
2 Limits
Activities - Time
Activities - Physical and Emotional Energy
Activities - Acceptance of What We Can and Cannot Do
Activities - Final Remarks
3 Burnout
Activities - Introduction and Definition of Burnout
Activities - The Causes of Burnout
Activities - Symptoms and Signs of Burnout
Activities - Dealing with Burnout
Activities - Prevention of Burnout
Activities - Final Remarks
4 Self-Reflection and Self-Criticism
Activity - Self-Reflection and Self-Criticism
5 The Balance Between Professional and Private Life
Activities - Th Balance Between Professional and Personal Life
6 Supervision and Intervision
Activities - Supervision and Intervision
7 Factors Promoting and Detracting from Self-Care
8 Final Remarks and Activities for this Section
Activities - Factors Promoting and Detracting from Self-Care
Activities - Final Remarks
4 Final Remarks and Activities for the Course
Activities - Final Remarks for the Course
Miscellaneous Educational Documents
Learning Materials and Course Summaries
Brochures and Briefing Papers
Conference and Scientific Papers
Conference Trauma and Mental Heal in Conflict and Migration
Osijek Seminar 7 May 2019
InPact Conference May 2019
Articles about and by CWWPP
Artwork By A Refugee
Contact Us
Koalicija za rad sa psihotraumom i za mir Vukovar
O nama
Misija i vizija
Godisnja financijska i opisna izvjesca
Živa knjižnica
Naš rad
Naša filozofija
Socijalna uključenost
Obuka u zajednici
Skupine s kojima radimo
Peer savjetovanje/Grupe za samopomoć
Senzibilizacija društva/Brošure
Projekt Migranti
Profil psihološke traume
PET Program
Tečaj 1- Odnos pomagača i korisnika
1. Uvodni dio tečaja
1.1. Uvod
1.2. O CWWPP-u i početcima PET-a
1.3. Trening pragmatičnog osnaživanja (PET)
1.4. Uvod u facilitiranje
1.5. Završne napomene o načinu funkcioniranja tečaja
2. Odnos pomagača i korisnika
2.1. Odnos kao osnova svega
2.2. Osnovna načela
2.3. O jeziku sporazumijevanja i o upoznavanju korisnika
2.4. Stvaranje ugodaja
2.5. Ustrajnost, strpljivost, upornost i disciplina
2.6. Identificiranje s drugima i čuvanje vlastitog identiteta
2.7. Tolerancija, ne osuđujući pristup i individualizacija
2.8. Odgovornost, kontrola, davanje dozvole za izražavanje osjećaja
2.9. Davanje vremena i prostora; slušanje umjesto moraliziranja
2.10. Stjecanje i održavanje povjerenja
2.11. Etika
2.12. Priprema, fleksibilnost i prilagodba
2.13. Vjera, religija i nada
2.14. Ponovimo: Vremenska posvećenost i prisnost s korisnikom
2.15. Završne napomene i aktivnosti
3. Self-Care
3.1. Uvod
3.2. Ograničenja
3.3. Burnout
3.4. Samopromatranje i samokritika
3.5. Ravnoteža između poslovnog i privatnog života
3.6. Supervizija i intervizija
3.7. Čimbenici i aktivnosti koji potiču ili ometaju Self-care
3.8. Završne napomene i aktivnosti za ovo poglavlje
4. Završne napomene i aktivnosti za ovaj tečaj
Dr. Charles Tauber
Function Within the CWWPP
Head of Mission
General responsibility for the organization
Teaching of “barefoot” therapy and peacebuilding
Work with clients
Founder and Board member
BA in physics from Reed College, Portland, Oregon, USA
Qualification as physician from the University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Various post-graduate training courses
Work in non-governmental organizations on a variety of social causes since 1966
Work with traumatized people, especially asylum seekers and refugees, since 1988
About Us
Who are we?
Mission and Vision
The Region
Profile of Psychological Trauma
Get Involved
Monthly Reports
Annual and Semi-Annual Reports
Our Work
Social Inclusion
Community-based Training
Groups with which We Work
Peer Counseling and Self-Help Groups
Onsite Education
Online Education
"Blended" Education in Croatia and Other Regions
How You Can Request a Course or Counseling
Internships, The Summer Program, and Other Possibilities for Students
Work with people
The Migrant Project
PET (Pragmatic Empowerment Training)
Pragmatic Empowerment Training (PET)
Course 1-The Caregiver-Client Relationship
1 Introduction
1 Introduction to the PET
Introduction to the CWWPP - Comments
4 Facilitation
5 Additional Remarks on the Course
2 The Caregiver-Client Relationship
1 Introduction and the Caregiver Client Relationship as the Basis of Everything
2 Some First Principles
Taking an Interest In and Concentrating on the Client
Taking An Attitude of Humanity and Compassion
Listening and Responding to the Total Person
3 Some Points About Language and Getting to Know the Client
Activities - Using Language That the Person Can Understand
Activities - Taking the Time and Getting As Much Information as Possible
Activities - Feelings
Activities - Motives
Activities - Interests
Activities - Content and Its Interpretation
Activities - Assumptions
Activities - Prejudices
Activities - Expectations
Activities - Generalizations
Activities -Final Remarks
4 Creating the Right Atmosphere
Activities - The Physical Environment
Activities - Formality
The Theme of the Session
Activities - The Presence of Other People in the Session
Activities - The Pressure on the Caregiver and the Client
Activities - Final Activities
5 Persistence Patience Insistence Discipline
Activities - Persistence
Activities - Patience
Activities - Insistence
Activities - Discipline
Activities - Final Comments
6 Identification and Maintaining Self-Identity
Activities - Identification of the Caregiver with the Client and of the Client with the Caregiver
Activities - Maintaining Your Own Identity
Activities - Final Comments
7 Tolerance and Individualization
Activities - Tolerance and Taking a Non-Judgmental Approach
Activities - Individualization
Activities - Final Comments
8 Responsibility, Control, and Giving Permission
Activities - Getting the Client to Take Control of His or Her Own Life
Activities - Giving the Client Control
Activities - Giving the Client Permission
Activities - Final comments
9 Giving Time and Space; Listening vs. Preaching
Activities - Giving Time and Space
Activities - Listening vs. Preaching
Activities - Final Remarks
10 Gaining and Maintaining Trust
Activities - Honesty
Activities- Openness
Activities - Directness
Activities - Keeping Promises
Activities - Humanity
Activities - Final Activities
Activities - Final Remarks
11 Ethics
Activities - Do No Harm
Activities - Privacy
Activities - The Relationship Between the Caregiver and the Client Outside of the Caregiving Situation
Activities - Professionalism
Activities - Payment and Gifts
Activities - Conventions and Codes
Activities - Final Activities
Activities - Final Remarks
12 Preparation, Flexibility, and Adaptation
Activities - Preparation
Activities - Flexibility and Adaptation
Activities - Final Remarks
13 Religion, Belief, and Hope
Activities - The Role of Belief and Religion
Activities - Hope
Activities - Final Remarks
14 Time and Closeness Revisited
Activities - Time
Activities - Closeness
Activities - Final Remarks
15 Final Remarks and Activities for this Section
Activities - Final Activities
3 Self-Care
1 Introduction to this Section
Activities - Introduction
2 Limits
Activities - Time
Activities - Physical and Emotional Energy
Activities - Acceptance of What We Can and Cannot Do
Activities - Final Remarks
3 Burnout
Activities - Introduction and Definition of Burnout
Activities - The Causes of Burnout
Activities - Symptoms and Signs of Burnout
Activities - Dealing with Burnout
Activities - Prevention of Burnout
Activities - Final Remarks
4 Self-Reflection and Self-Criticism
Activity - Self-Reflection and Self-Criticism
5 The Balance Between Professional and Private Life
Activities - Th Balance Between Professional and Personal Life
6 Supervision and Intervision
Activities - Supervision and Intervision
7 Factors Promoting and Detracting from Self-Care
8 Final Remarks and Activities for this Section
Activities - Factors Promoting and Detracting from Self-Care
Activities - Final Remarks
4 Final Remarks and Activities for the Course
Activities - Final Remarks for the Course
Miscellaneous Educational Documents
Learning Materials and Course Summaries
Brochures and Briefing Papers
Conference and Scientific Papers
Conference Trauma and Mental Heal in Conflict and Migration
Osijek Seminar 7 May 2019
InPact Conference May 2019
Articles about and by CWWPP
Artwork By A Refugee
Contact Us
Koalicija za rad sa psihotraumom i za mir Vukovar
O nama
Misija i vizija
Godisnja financijska i opisna izvjesca
Živa knjižnica
Naš rad
Naša filozofija
Socijalna uključenost
Obuka u zajednici
Skupine s kojima radimo
Peer savjetovanje/Grupe za samopomoć
Senzibilizacija društva/Brošure
Projekt Migranti
Profil psihološke traume
PET Program
Tečaj 1- Odnos pomagača i korisnika
1. Uvodni dio tečaja
1.1. Uvod
1.2. O CWWPP-u i početcima PET-a
1.3. Trening pragmatičnog osnaživanja (PET)
1.4. Uvod u facilitiranje
1.5. Završne napomene o načinu funkcioniranja tečaja
2. Odnos pomagača i korisnika
2.1. Odnos kao osnova svega
2.2. Osnovna načela
2.3. O jeziku sporazumijevanja i o upoznavanju korisnika
2.4. Stvaranje ugodaja
2.5. Ustrajnost, strpljivost, upornost i disciplina
2.6. Identificiranje s drugima i čuvanje vlastitog identiteta
2.7. Tolerancija, ne osuđujući pristup i individualizacija
2.8. Odgovornost, kontrola, davanje dozvole za izražavanje osjećaja
2.9. Davanje vremena i prostora; slušanje umjesto moraliziranja
2.10. Stjecanje i održavanje povjerenja
2.11. Etika
2.12. Priprema, fleksibilnost i prilagodba
2.13. Vjera, religija i nada
2.14. Ponovimo: Vremenska posvećenost i prisnost s korisnikom
2.15. Završne napomene i aktivnosti
3. Self-Care
3.1. Uvod
3.2. Ograničenja
3.3. Burnout
3.4. Samopromatranje i samokritika
3.5. Ravnoteža između poslovnog i privatnog života
3.6. Supervizija i intervizija
3.7. Čimbenici i aktivnosti koji potiču ili ometaju Self-care
3.8. Završne napomene i aktivnosti za ovo poglavlje
4. Završne napomene i aktivnosti za ovaj tečaj